HolyCoast: Going From Wino to RINO?
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Thursday, February 25, 2010

Going From Wino to RINO?

Some folks were really exercised about Scott Brown's decision to join several other Republicans and the Democrats in voting to invoke cloture on Harry Reid's $15 billion jobs bill. The title of his post represents one of the criticisms being offered by some of those angry Republicans.

I was not that bothered, and neither is Michael Graham who writes this in the Boston Herald:
Brown ran as the 41st vote against Obamacare, and he won going away. He ran against Washington's arrogance toward the voters and its cluelessness about us and our priorities.

As a result, Obamacare is all but dead, and the only vehicle left is the reconciliation trick that, if Congress used it, would prove to swing voters that liberal arrogance has no limits. It would be a Pyrrhic victory at best.

All this came from electing Scott Brown, and I'm supposed to declare him apostate over a lousy $15 billion? I know that sounds like a lot of money, but let me put that in perspective.

Obama's health care plan is likely to cost at least $1.5 trillion, and perhaps much more. If Brown casts the one vote that stops the disaster in its tracks, he could cast that same $15 billion vote 150 more times, and we'd still be even.

That's how much Scott Brown is worth, in real dollars.

Brown is a Northeastern Republican - he's not always going to agree with the most conservative of GOP senators on every issue. As long as he's with us on the big issues, and Obamacare right now is the biggest, then the effort put into his election was well worth it.

And remember, had Martha Coakley won she wouldn't be voting with the GOP on ANYTHING.

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