HolyCoast: Happy Valentine's Day From the GOP
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Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Happy Valentine's Day From the GOP

I have my doubts that these will catch on:
This Valentine's Day, the party labeled by Democrats as the Party of No is remaking itself into the Party of Love.

The Republican National Committee is sending out a fundraising e-mail that urges donors to send GOP Valentine's E-Cards to loved ones, with online contributions of anywhere from $10 to $100.

Donors can choose from 18 different Valentine's cards that the RNC has created, including one that features Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi claiming they didn't craft the card behind closed doors, as they did with their "government-run health care experiment."

Another has President Obama claiming he's saved or created millions of Valentine's, "just like his party has claimed that the wasteful, pork-filled stimulus bill has created or saved thousands, 1.5 million or 2 million jobs depending on which Obama administration official you ask."

Many of the cards make light of the troubles Democrats recently have found themselves in.

One card features White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel, who apologized last week for calling Democrats who oppose a health care measure "f---king retarded," sending wishes for a "Happy
Valentine's Day."

Another card shows the community organizing group ACORN saying "We'd like to help you set up a tax-free 'romance business.'" The group has been under fire since last year when some of its workers were caught on video offering advice on how to set up a brothel for child prostitutes to a couple posing as a pimp and prostitute .

I think I'll pass.

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