HolyCoast: How Scared is the White House of Dick Cheney?
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Sunday, February 14, 2010

How Scared is the White House of Dick Cheney?

Scared enough that the liberal press is already warning us that he might say something controversial about Obama on the Sunday shows today:
Former Vice President Cheney will appear on ABC's "This Week" on Sunday, and it’s a safe bet what he will say: President Barack Obama projects weakness to terrorists and puts American lives at risk.

It’s the kind of brutal charge — nuance-free and politically explosive — that has become a Cheney specialty since he left office 13 months ago.

Cheney’s broadsides on Afghanistan policy, detention and surveillance policies, and Obama’s general philosophy about the U.S. role in a dangerous world inevitably dominate the news. No other figure in Republican politics has equal ability to drive debate on national security, rally Obama critics and force the administration to respond. On Sunday, Vice President Joe Biden will be countering Cheney on NBC’s “Meet the Press” and CBS’s “Face the Nation.”

But the backlashes to Cheney have become every bit as vicious as his own attacks. Some nonpartisan national security analysts have called Cheney’s critiques distorted and even demagogic. Some prominent liberal commentators have called them unpatriotic, and possibly mentally unbalanced. Even a conservative Republican senator respected on foreign policy issues recently called Cheney’s criticism of Obama unfair.

Cheney has been unrelenting in his criticism of Obama and he's probably been the sanest commentator yet on the failings of the Obama administration. He clearly has them spooked and I imagine he'll make some more news today.


Reaganite Republican said...

Sure am glad SOME-body is saying what Cheney is…

Ruthless and aggressive foes have no reason to take seriously a smiley plastic mannequin like Obama… they know he’s not going to do anything. That’s what Dick Cheney’s trying to warn you about- attack him and ignore his statements at your peril.

What must our enemies be thinking when we elect this completely inexperienced -yet appallingly arrogant- DNC affirmative-action project in the midst of two overseas wars and a worldwide struggle with Islamic extremists?

Naive, unprincipled, and weak?

If so, they’re right about over half of the electorate, anyway… me, I’m with Cheney’s side on this one.

jan said...

Both he AND Liz were very effective on stating the obvious so that people will listen. I love the run-scared behavior = sprayed roaches!