HolyCoast: How to Get Harry Reid Re-Elected
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Monday, February 15, 2010

How to Get Harry Reid Re-Elected

Run third party conservative candidates in the general election:
Sun columnist Jon Ralston is reporting that the Tea Party has qualified as a third party in Nevada and will have a candidate in the Senate race to battle for the seat held by Majority Leader Harry Reid.

The party has filed a Certificate of Existence but needs to get 1 percent of the electorate to vote for its candidate in November to permanently qualify, according to the report.

Ralston reported that Jon Ashjian will be the Tea Party's U.S. Senate candidate on the November ballot. Ashjian still must declare his candidacy.

There are six other third-party candidates going through the verification process to appear on the ballot as U.S. Senate candidates — one Reform Party hopeful and five as independents, Ralston reported.
I have often warned against the folly of creating a "Tea Party" as a third party outside the GOP. It's a recipe for Democrat victories and will undo any good the Tea Parties accomplished.

UPDATE: Dan Riehl has info that suggests this third party move is more about real estate than politics.

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