HolyCoast: Is Bayh Getting Ready to Challenge Obama?
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Monday, February 15, 2010

Is Bayh Getting Ready to Challenge Obama?

Hugh Hewitt thinks Evan Bayh's retirement announcement may be the set-up for a 2012 challenge:
Whatever the reason(s) for which he is choosing not to run for re-election, Evan Bayh's retirement instantly puts him in a position to challenge President Obama for the Democratic nomination in 2012 if the president continues his hard-left lurch by pushing Obamacare, cap-and-tax, and the makeover of the entire U.S. economy in the European mold. If Bayh uses his last year in office to stand for traditional Democratic policies, he becomes not only a prime contender to take on the president in the 2012 primaries, but, if he chooses not to run, an attractive replacement for Slow Joe Biden as a genuine "moderate" Democrat with distance from the fiascos of the first two years of the Obama Administration.
I still think Hillary Clinton may decide to resign her job by the end of 2010 or early 2011 and plan a challenge of her own. There could be a pretty crowded Dem primary field.

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