HolyCoast: JD Hayworth Makes the Case Against John McCain
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Wednesday, February 03, 2010

JD Hayworth Makes the Case Against John McCain

At RedState former congressman JD Hayworth explains why he is challenging John McCain in the GOP primary. Here's part of it:
I have the utmost respect and admiration for what John McCain has given to our country over the years. And this election will be about serious policy differences, not personalities. Let me begin by detailing where I think John McCain has gone wrong. For starters, John:
  • Voted against the tax cuts of 2001 and 2003 (which I helped write), echoing liberal Democratic arguments that they were tax cuts for the rich;
  • Voted for an $850 billion bailout for banks and car companies, which was loaded with special interest earmarks totaling $150 billion;
  • Proposed spending $300 billion to buy up every bad mortgage in America, which National Review called a “full bailout for lenders” (McCain said he got the idea from Hillary Clinton!);
  • Supports a cap and trade scheme that the Wall Street Journal called “an expensive, invasive government bureaucracy” - indeed, McCain once proclaimed, “I don’t know how any conservative cannot support cap and trade;”
  • Wrote the campaign finance law just struck down by the Supreme Court that denied free speech rights to groups like the National Rifle Association while carving out an exception for media corporations like the New York Times;
  • Opposes drilling in ANWR;
  • Opposes the use of the enhanced interrogation techniques that we know prevented at least 4 major terrorist attacks; and
  • Helped write an amnesty plan that would let illegal aliens qualify for Social Security and Medicare, and which the Heritage Foundation estimates would cost taxpayers “at least $2.6 trillion.”

This is not the record of a true conservative, much less a fiscal conservative.

You can read the whole thing at the link. I like Hayworth and while I think McCain has served his country admirably, but it's time for him to go home.

1 comment:

Goofy Dick said...

Yes, it is time for McCain to start spending more time with his family members. His views and voting record are not at all consistant with that of a conservative. More power to Hayworth in his bid for this Senate seat, I wish him good luck.