HolyCoast: Michael Barone: Never Seen It As Bad As It Is for Democrats
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Saturday, February 20, 2010

Michael Barone: Never Seen It As Bad As It Is for Democrats

Red State has a report from CPAC:
Michael Barone is at CPAC and says he has never seen it as bad as it is for Democrats.

Running through the races, he sees the trend for Republican victories including in the district “in which we know Barack Obama was born in,” with a good dig at the birthers in the process.

Democrats should be worries. “We’ve got polls of non-scandal plagued Democrats in Democrat districts . . . trailing.”

Barone also says, “Even though I’ve never seen the Democrats in worse shape, I have seen the Republicans in better shape.”
If Republicans can firm up their policy proposals for the campaign they'll be really tough to beat. However, they have to have something to offer the voters other than "we're not Democrats".

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