HolyCoast: The Million Moron March
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Sunday, February 21, 2010

The Million Moron March

Or virtual march, to be more accurate. The lefties are going to electronically march on Washington to pass Obamacare (from DailyKos):
And here comes the Cavalry to seal the healthcare deal.

Over the last week or so, we've mobilized an unprecedented coalition of the largest progressive organizations in the nation, including MoveOn, HCAN, DFA, Progressive Congress and SEIU--with others expected to join imminently.

On February 24th, the day before the Presidential Healthcare Summit, we will deliver to Washington DC, a scream they will never, ever forget.


We'll do this via calls, faxes, Tweets, Facebook, emails, telegrams, balloon drops and carrier pigeons. Whatever. It. Takes.

This coalition is committed like nothing this country has ever witnessed, to turning the dream of guaranteed and affordable healthcare into reality.
Have they considered the carbon footprint of all those electrons being wasted in such a manner? They'll never save the planet this way.

And after a year in office Obama has shown that he no longer hears the screams of the lefties.

If a lefty screams and the president doesn't hear it, is the lefty still an idiot?

1 comment:

Ann's New Friend said...

not a scream, but a wimper

and the sound of Obama's approval numbers tanking