HolyCoast: Mission Viejo "Reform" Candidate May Be Dodging CA Vehicle License Fees and Taxes
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Monday, February 01, 2010

Mission Viejo "Reform" Candidate May Be Dodging CA Vehicle License Fees and Taxes

Tomorrow is the recall election here in Mission Viejo in which the current Mayor Lance MacLean may find himself tossed out. The main candidate being promoted by the "reformers" is a guy who seems to have some issues of his own:
MISSION VIEJO City Council candidate Dale Tyler potentially was in violation of state vehicle laws by keeping Indiana-registered vehicles in California, and by not having a California driver's license.

Tyler said today that he spoke with a California Highway Patrol officer on Thursday about the vehicle registration issue and that he will register his vehicles in California. He also said he applied for a California driver's license this morning.

Tyler is a member of Citizens to Recall Lance MacLean. He also is one of two candidates on the ballot in Tuesday's election to succeed MacLean if he is recalled. The other candidate is Dave Leckness.

Tyler, who in his campaign statement wrote he has lived in Mission Viejo for 22 years, said Tuesday that he owns "roughly 12 vehicles" between homes in California, Indiana, South Dakota and Iowa. He said "as of 15 years ago, I asked the (California Highway Patrol) what their position was on vehicles that move in and out of the state and they said 'If it's not permanently here, then you can register it where you want."

"The rule is," he added," if I have a house only in one state, then I have to register my vehicles here. Otherwise, you get to choose."

Under DMV regulations, registration "fees must be paid within 20 days of entry or residency to avoid penalties" according to the California Department of Motor Vehicles. Tyler would be considered a California resident by the DMV because he is registered to vote in Orange County.

As of Thursday , the DMV showed no record of Tyler – whose full name is Eugene Dale Tyler – having a California driver's license, according to electronic records that date back 10 years.
Bringing a car into California can be an expensive process. Not only do you have to pay the fees and taxes, but you might also have to bring the car into mechanical compliance with CA smog laws. That gets pretty pricey. And certainly this story implies that compliance with the law might not be the candidates top priority. Haven't we dealt with enough of that stuff already?

That's why I'll support Dave Leckness in tomorrow's election. He's a 25-year business owner in the city which means he's been employing people and paying taxes, which is probably more than most of the local "activists" or "reformers" have done.


Anonymous said...

I am a legal resident of California, but not in your community. I wish I were there to help and assist in the election of Dale Leckness. You certainly don't need another leader that chooses not to follow the rules he or she will be making. We have a city council member in my community that does just that and it makes me pretty mad. I do my part to make it right and that is all we can do! Keep up the good fight. We must stand for what is RIGHT in our communities!
Ruth Ann

Goofy Dick said...

As far as this election is, Mr. Tyler should be left out in the cold. He is a law breaker and has no business being elected to this office. It's disgusting to see people want to hold public office, but pick and choose which laws they will follow.