HolyCoast: Obama the Agnostic
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Friday, February 12, 2010

Obama the Agnostic

At least on taxes for middle class Americans. Most of us figured out long ago that he couldn't tax the rich enough to pay for all of his programs and Jim Geraghty has a wrap-up of reaction to his recent statement opening the door for taxes on all those people whose taxes "weren't going to go up a single dime":
He's 'Agnostic,' and We Never Had Any Faith in His Promises in the First Place

Well, this was predictable, although it's rather stunning how casually Obama ignores a pledge that I suspect was pretty key in defusing the "he's a tax-and-spend liberal" charge in 2008: "President Barack Obama said he is 'agnostic' about raising taxes on households making less than $250,000 as part of a broad effort to rein in the budget deficit."

Michelle Malkin
: "Well, he broke his no-middle-class-tax-hike pledge more than a year ago with the passage of the massive S-CHIP expansion funded with regressive skyrocketing tobacco tax increases. But never mind the pesky little details. President Obama now wants you to know he's 'agnostic' on breaking that pledge (again). This time, he'll just blame it on the sham deficit commission he wants to set up as fall guys. . . . Read Obama's lips: Don't believe anything that passes his lips."

Jen Rubin
: "It is rather typical of him. We have come to expect a lack of policy definition, an unwillingness to make hard choices (you really do have to be for or against letting tax rates rise -- it's not a 'false' choice), a cluelessness regarding the economic impact of his policies or the uncertainty they are generating, and a conceited self-portrait as a president unbound by ideology. He wants to know what works? He should look at the revenue generated by the Reagan and Bush tax cuts. He wants to know what would work to cut the deficit? Cancel the spending increases and roll back expenditures to 2007 levels. It is not that hard -- unless you find choosing, governing, and leading hard. And then the Hamlet-routine and the seeming indifference to fundamental policy decisions makes him appear craven and irresolute. You can sympathize with the Democrats. He is the captain of their ship, the party's leader, and his best answer is 'I don't know'? The Clintons must be kicking themselves and shouting into pillows. This is the guy they lost to? Yup."

Clifton B at Another Black Conservative: "'Agnostic' is a sly way of saying he is open minded to raising taxes on those Hope Dopes making less than $250k. Anyone with half a brain who has been keeping track of the spending and spending proposals would know there simply isn't enough money in the $250k+ crowd to pay for everything."

As Obama becomes an agnostic America is having a "come to Jesus" meeting about him an the Democrats and they're starting to realize that a Savior can't also be agnostic.

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