HolyCoast: Obama Ready for Recess
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Thursday, February 11, 2010

Obama Ready for Recess

No, he's not attending an elementary school now, but is ready for Congress to go on recess so he can staff his administration:
President Obama, struggling to staff his administration after a year in office, is blaming Republican efforts to "delay and obstruct" his nominees in the Senate -- and threatening to counteract those tactics with recess appointments.

Over 200 nominations are estimated to still be pending in the Senate, and Obama blames the minority party's "obstinacy," which he says is "rooted not in substantive disagreements but in political expedience."

"I respect the Senate's role to advise and consent, but for months, qualified, non-controversial nominees for critical positions in government -- often positions related to our national security -- have been held up despite having overwhelming support," Obama said in a news conference Tuesday.

Obama cited his pick to head the General Services Administration, Martha N. Johnson, who was confirmed by a 96-0 vote in the Senate last week -- nine months after Obama nominated her for the position.

"That's not advise and consent. That's delay and obstruct," he said, warning that if the Senate "does not act to confirm these nominees, I will consider making several recess appointments during the upcoming recess."

Republicans note Democrats sharply criticized the practice when President Bush used it.

"Sen. Ted Kennedy at the time said it was a devious maneuver to evade the constitutional requirements," said Republican Sen. John Barrasso of Wyoming.

But now Democrats have a different view.

"I have told the president enough is enough," Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid said. "He has the right as president of the United States to do recess appointments."

Isn't it funny that when Bush was president he didn't have that same right. Harry Reid kept the Senate in session by sending one Senator in each day to play some silly game so Bush couldn't make recess appointments. I guess we got a new constitution - or perhaps just voided the old one - when we got a Democrat in the White House.


Sam L. said...

The Won can't count. On Congress.

I am so....something or other.

Goofy Dick said...

Obama thinks all of running the country is his game, so he makes the rules to suit himself. He has complete disregard for the Constitution anyway, as does Mr. Reid and Madam Pelosi.