HolyCoast: Political Headline of the Day
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Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Political Headline of the Day

Try and guess the source of this headline:
Obama Says Bipartisanship, But What He Wants Is GOP Surrender
Believe it or not, this is from CBS News and their White House reporter Mark Knoller. Knoller is a White House veteran and he's seen this act before from presidents of both parties. Here's an excerpt:
Mr. Obama said he "won't hesitate to embrace a good idea from my friends in the minority party." But he wants his way. He wants his energy policy enacted along with his jobs bill, his financial regulatory reform and his health care plan.

And if the opposition continues to block his objectives, he said he "won't hesitate to condemn what I consider to be obstinacy that's rooted not in substantive disagreement but in political expedience."

When a sitting president calls for bipartisanship by the opposition – he really means surrender. And if they block his proposals, its "obstinacy" and not political views they hold as strongly as he holds his.
Knoller understands what's really going on with Obama's calls for bipartisanship. I just wonder if the GOP leaders understand it as well?

1 comment:

Goofy Dick said...

Obama is really showing what he is, the back end of the Democrat Donkey. This guy is representative of "want my cake and eat it to". He should be dumped from his position as soon as possible.