HolyCoast: Political Video of the Day
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Wednesday, February 03, 2010

Political Video of the Day

GOP welcomes the Dem candidate for Obama's old Senate seat to the race:

That race will get even nastier.

Unfortunately, the GOP candidate is a pretty liberal Republican who might not be much of an improvement over Roland Burris who currently holds the seat. Jim Geraghty has more at The Morning Jolt:
Michelle Malkin is less than fully enthusiastic: "After pandering to enviro-nitwits and casting his vote in favor of the largest energy tax increase in American history based on shoddy science and Al Gore-led fear-morning, Rep. Kirk promised Illinois voters he wouldn't pander the same way if held higher office. He's also a squish on the Second Amendment and life issues, a supporter of the massive tobacco tax increases to pay for Obama's SCHIP expansion/Demcare Trojan Horse, and an expedient new critic of earmarks. John McCormack searches for something good to say about Kirk -- it's thin gruel, but here it is. So: Kirk is Lame. His Democrat opponent Alexi Giannoulias is Lamer."

1 comment:

Charlie said...

Rep. Kirk has the best shot of any Republican in more than a decade to win a U.S. Senate seat from Illinois. In a solidly blue state a moderate Republican has a chance while a conservative may not.