HolyCoast: Republicans Say More in Half the Time
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Friday, February 26, 2010

Republicans Say More in Half the Time

Observers of the health care summit in Washington yesterday could plainly see that the GOP brought their "A" game to the meeting. No stereotypical "angry white men", but a group of legislators who knew what they were talking about and were well prepared.

Good thing, too, because they only got about 30% of the total time:
Washington (CNN) – Thursday’s health care summit at Blair House was billed as an opportunity for members of both parties to share their proposals for reform, but one party had far more time to put forth their ideas.

A CNN analysis of the meeting shows that Democrats - including President Obama, who helmed the meeting - were granted more than twice the amount speaking time as Republicans.

Democrats spoke for a total of 135 minutes while President Obama spoke for 122 minutes, for a total of 257 minutes. Republicans, meanwhile, spoke for just 111 minutes, about 30 percent of the total speaking time.
The Dems, on the other hand, brought tissues, not issues. It was one sob story after another interspersed with liberal talking points. Most of the political observers agree the Dems were clearly outclassed at this event.

If Obama was hoping to make the GOP look bad in this exchange, he failed. His own party, starting with the petulant opening statement from Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi's bug-eyed closing made the Dems look pretty stupid.

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