HolyCoast: Romney Endorses McCain in Arizona
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Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Romney Endorses McCain in Arizona

I don't think this was particularly well thought out:
Mitt Romney is endorsing former rival John McCain as the 2008 Republican presidential nominee fights to keep his Senate seat.

Romney said in a statement Tuesday the Arizona senator's "record of service and sacrifice for America is honored by all." The former Massachusetts governor added, "It's hard to imagine the U.S. Senate without John McCain."
There's really no reason for wannabe presidential candidates to get involved in primary races, especially involving the last presidential candidate who was not terribly well loved by his party. Romney risks ticking off a lot of Republicans with this move.

I can understand Sarah Palin's endorsement given that nobody would know who she was had McCain not chosen her in 2008, but there's really no reason for anybody else to choose sides in primary contests.

1 comment:

Goofy Dick said...

Support McCain is like commiting suicide. The public will turn on those who throw their support behind McCain. He is to be honored for his service record, but he needs to be replaced by new blood and somebody who doesn't flip/flop on issues. We don't need a person like McCain any longer with his cuddling up to Kennedy to try and give AMNESTY to the Illegal Aliens.