HolyCoast: Scenes You Won't See Again for Awhile
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Friday, February 26, 2010

Scenes You Won't See Again for Awhile

Sea World has announced that their killer whale shows will resume but the trainers will not be allowed in the water with them pending further review. So, here are some scenes you won't see again for awhile, taken during a couple of trips to Sea World San Diego last year:

Trainer: "Crap, I've got whale stuck on my shoe again."

You won't see this either. Patrons won't be allowed to touch the whales.

Sea World is now blaming the trainer for the attack. I can't believe that will sit well with other employees.

1 comment:

Nightingale said...

Blaming a dead trainer is going to be a PR nightmare. Besides if the trainer's ponytail was a hazard, that should have been written up in their policies and procedures.

There's a reason they call Orcas wild animals: they are unpredictable no matter how experienced and knowledgeable you are.