HolyCoast: Scott Brown's Election To Be Certified Tomorrow
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Wednesday, February 03, 2010

Scott Brown's Election To Be Certified Tomorrow

Time to seat the new senator (from Big Government):
In a previous post on Big Government, I questioned why Senator Paul Kirk has not stepped down as the Senator from Massachusetts, as he should have on January 19th. Today, the attorney for Senator-elect Scott Brown stated in a letter Massachusetts Gov. Deval Patrick that Brown wanted the results of the January 19 election certified by 11 a.m. Thursday, so they could be forwarded to U.S. Senate officials for immediate action.

Governor Patrick’s office also issued this statement via email today:

As the Lieutenant Governor stated earlier today, the Governor will convene the Governor’s Council at 9:30 a.m. tomorrow morning and certify the results. This will ensure that Senator-elect Brown’s request to receive the final paperwork by 11:00 a.m. tomorrow is fulfilled.

This stunning move by Brown and fulfillment by the governor’s office forces Kirk to resign his seat–presenting problems for the Democrats as they move forward with the current Senate schedule, which includes the controversial M. Patricia Smith nomination.

This reversal comes days after several inquiries with the Brown campaign, in addition to Senator Mitch McConnell’s office, as to why interim Senator Paul Kirk is still voting on legislation–providing the 60th vote in some cases–and preserving the Democrat supermajority in Congress.
One Brown's election has been certified under Massachusetts law current Sen. Paul Kirk must step down and cannot any longer vote. We'll see if that's what really happens.

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