HolyCoast: Trading Bibles for Porn
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Sunday, February 28, 2010

Trading Bibles for Porn

An atheist club at the University of Texas thinks you're better off with porn than religious texts:
In the lobby of the University of Texas at San Antonio's humanities building, a hand-drawn poster announces, "Free porn: Just trade in your holy books (Bible, Koran, Vedas) for porn."

A student group at the university called The Atheist Agenda is reviving its Bibles-for-porn program, called "Smut for Smut," for three days beginning March 1, according to a report from San Antonio's KENS-TV.

"The idea is that religious texts are so appalling," said Atheist Agenda group member Brian Talker in a 2006 interview with UTSA student publication The Independent. "They are so full of genocide, misogyny and ludicrous ideas that far overshadow any banal common-sense platitudes like loving thy neighbor, that you are better off having porn, which isn't nearly as smutty."

A current member of the group told KENS the program is also meant as a slap against religious leaders and the "hypocrisy" of their condemnations of pornography.

"They've been going and rallying against pornography for the longest time," the unidentified student said, "and the disgusting, depraved acts that are within the Bible, Koran and Vedas completely outnumber any [faults] of any pornographic image."
Here's what should happen - somebody should take them a Koran and dare them to show their courage in their non-belief and publicly destroy it. They won't dare because they know if they burn or otherwise defile a Koran and they'll find out sooner than they had planned whether there's a God or not. Let's see if they have the courage of their non-convictions.

And in a related story, atheists are mad at Richard Dawkins for daring to moderate their rants on his website. Maybe they should just stick to porn.


Unknown said...

we're not burning anything we get. we don't believe in burning books. we use the texts we get so we can know more about what they say so we can have better arguments against religious individuals. also, burning books is something religious institutions have always done and we will not drop to that level of thinking.

Linda said...

Just this morning, our pastor was talking about Atheists. Why, if they don't believe in God, do they spend so much time and energy denying Him?

It takes a lot of faith to be an atheist! I'd rather spend my faith of a relationship with my God.

I agree with you, Rick. Let them burn the Koran. Many Bibles have been burned, but His word lives on in the lives that trust Him.

Greg said...

This is a post I did at http://forum.bodybuilding.com/showthread.php?p=456301191

It is on the same subject and I feel compelled to post it here too...

One of you said that the bible took alot of minds to create….WRONG. The bible is 100% inspired by God himself. The men who wrote it just wrote what God wanted them to. Others of you are saying the bible is full of bad things and teaching evil? That is a clear sign you have no idea what you are reading.

Did any of you ever have an owners manual/ instruction manual that just did not make sense or some parts were just too confusing? I have in my life a time or two. It just takes somebody with a little more experience to guide you through it and then…WOW it makes sense now. Sometimes to the point where I said to myself “that is so easy, why did I not get it the first few times”?

Well folks, the bible is like that alot. It is God’s guide to life and sometimes we just cannot understand it until another with more experience helps us through it. How many times when we were children did our parents not want us to do something because it would get us hurt? How many times did we not understand and got upset? Until mom or dad explained it and then it made sense. Rules and laws are in place for the harmony and well being of our society. You have to remember that some are human laws and rules but others are Gods. Gods law ALWAYS come first….no matter what men say. We could pass a law tomorrow that says it’s ok to marry your dog but it means nothing. Gods law is first and says it is WRONG…. NO MATTER what men say. That applies to a lot of things men are trying to pull these days.

Anyone ever get pulled over for speeding and pleaded with the cop saying “ I did not know what the speed limit was”, the cop just says “ignorance of the law is no excuse”…. end result, you get a ticket. Ignorance of Gods laws is NO excuse either folks…. end result, you can’t even imagine it……..

You self-proclaimed atheists are a sad bunch. I am not judging you, just saying it saddens me to see your lack of belief in anything other than yourselves. You believe in one thing…that if you DO NOT believe it entitles you to do whatever and however you want. Sorry kids…it is not so. Remember ignorance is no excuse, there WILL still be punishment whether you believe it or not….. very sad.

Living in denial and refusing to believe does not change the fact that God is real. When the last breath leaves your body and you realize that you did not just fade away into nothingness, as FEAR grips your soul because you realize you have made a huge mistake, it will be too late. God is love and forgiveness but at that point it will be too late to ask for forgiveness. Like a parent that weeps at the death of a child so will God weep for you because what happens to your soul next is agony.

One of you said that God punishes if you do not find him….If you know the word GOD then you already have found him. You know who he is and you can not deny it….ever. The question is, Will you acknowledge him? Being lost in the dark does not have to be a permanent thing.

My prayer is that at some point in your life, you will come to the loving God, Jesus Christ. May Jesus soften your hearts before you die.

Remember….denying a thing does not make it any less real.God is real and this means the devil is also VERY real. If you turn your back on God that just leaves Satan to wait for your last breath on earth so he might have you forever.

Flagstaff, AZ

Rick Moore said...

Timothy, don't make me laugh. The idea that there is some noble educational purpose in this porn for bibles PR stunt is pure horse crap.

If you people need religious texts to study I can give you name of 40+ organizations from various faiths that will send you their books for free. That way you can keep your porn for your own self-gratification.

I still dare you to take Korans, no matter what you do with them, because if you don't treat them with the reverence the Muslims demand, well Timmy Boy, it's off with your head.