HolyCoast: Trying to Keep California From Committing Suicide
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Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Trying to Keep California From Committing Suicide

That's what the backers of a ballot proposition to stop the state's global warming law are doing:
Republican politicians and conservative activists are launching a ballot campaign to suspend California's landmark global-warming law, in what they hope will serve as a showcase for a national backlash against climate regulations.

Supporters say they have "solid commitments" of nearly $600,000 to pay signature gatherers for a November initiative aimed at delaying curbs on the greenhouse gas emissions of power plants and factories until the state's unemployment rate drops.

GOP gubernatorial candidates and Tea Party organizers paint the 2006 law, considered a model for other state and federal efforts, as a job-killing interference in the economy. Talk radio is flailing at what John Kobylt and Ken Chiampou, drive-time hosts on Los Angeles' KFI-AM (640), call "the global-warming final solution act" promoted by "fascist, Nazi" officials.

"We are on fire," said Assemblyman Dan Logue (R-Marysville), a sponsor of the proposed initiative. "People are calling from all over the country. This will be the most intense campaign the state has seen in 50 years."

Mary D. Nichols, chairwoman of the state's Air Resources Board, which is implementing the law, known as AB 32, called the initiative "a campaign that has to be taken seriously."

"It would put all our efforts at energy efficiency and renewable energy in the deep freezer for a long time," she said.
I love the ironic twist in that last statement.

Former Gov. and Gov. Wannabe Again Jerry Brown is on record stating that "if we have to kill jobs to save the earth, so be it". He, of course, is opposing this effort to restore sanity to the state. If he should become governor again there won't be much reason for anyone to stay here. California will collapse under his liberal nonsense and we no longer will have a governor to stop the crazy things the legislature comes up with.

I have a feeling this proposition won't have much trouble getting the required signatures and once on the ballot will pass easily. People aren't as easily fooled by global warming idiocy anymore....except, of course, Jerry Brown.

1 comment:

Sam L. said...

How soon after it passes do you think someone will sue to declare it unconstitutional? 12 hours? 24? 6?