HolyCoast: The Unions Versus the Crossing Guard
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Thursday, February 11, 2010

The Unions Versus the Crossing Guard

Another great moment in union history (from Big Government):
Warren Eschenbach, an 86-year-old a retired Wausau Water Works employee volunteers his time as a crossing guard at the Riverview Elementary School in Wausau, Wisconsin. After the Wausau School District built an area just outside an intersection at the school’s location for parents to pickup their kids from the school, the intersection became busier than usual for a short time every day. So, Eschenbach did a noble thing. He went over to the school and spoke with parents, kids and administrators, and he volunteered to patrol the area at pickup time to make sure kids got to their parents’ cars and that others crossed the streets safely. After all, he worked for five years as a crossing guard at the Franklin Elementary School up until three years ago. He lives two doors down and it’s for a half hour every day. Who could take issue with that?

Well, apparently union bosses can.

John Spiegelhoff, a local union rep for American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees Local 1287 (AFSCME) wants to know if the 86-year-old retiree has undergone a background check. And if he has liability insurance. AFSCME insists that Eschenbach is “undermining the union” and has demanded that the city get rid of him and replace him with a paid union worker at $12.65 an hour. The city has been cutting back crossing guard hours from 15 hours a week to 10 a week. Of course, the elderly volunteer isn’t a volunteer with the city, he volunteers with the school. Since the pickup location is newly restructured, there hadn’t ever been the need to have a crossing guard there. There was no prior job this gentleman has taken away from the union. Really, the guy just lives right there and thought he’d help out.

The union grievances have been denied by every agency involved, but it could still go to arbitration.

All because an old guy wants to help his community. The union guys behind this are idiots.

And in other union news Mickey Kaus offers this:
GM workers assembling battery packs for the new "green" Chevy Volt will not be members of the UAW or any other union, according to TTAC. ... This is in Michigan, not Mexico. . ... Does the czar know?
Unions helped kill GM and Chrysler. It looks like the automakers are finally starting to figure that out.

1 comment:

Hank said...

Watch out, the unions will send their Goon Squads out to settle this and Obama will no doubt support them.