HolyCoast: White House May Abandon Civilian 9/11 Trials
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Saturday, February 13, 2010

White House May Abandon Civilian 9/11 Trials

I guess they're getting a little tired of America rising up as one and telling them they're nuts:
White House officials sought on Friday to stem mounting criticism of President Barack Obama's handling of terrorism cases, saying they would not rule out using a military court to try accused Sept. 11 mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammed.

Both Attorney General Eric Holder and White House spokesman Robert Gibbs did not rule out a military trial when asked about the Obama administration's options.

Trying Mohammed in military court would mark a further political retreat from Holder's announcement last year that the five Sept. 11 suspects now held at the U.S. military prison at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, would be tried in federal court in New York.

The Obama administration is trying to head off a possible vote in the Senate that could stop any terror suspects currently held at Guantanamo from being brought to the United States to face a civilian trial. Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., is offering such legislation, after losing a vote last year on the issue.

At stake is the public's perception of the administration's handling of national security, already shaken last year by strong congressional opposition to transferring any Guantanamo detainees to American soil. A Hill defeat over the trial issue could embolden the GOP minority to raise national security concerns in the midterm elections later this year.

The prospect of such a vote could test of how many moderate Democrats have abandoned Obama on the issue.
I have to believe the main proponent of civilian trials was Attorney General Eric Holder, so in some ways this is a slap at him.

Good. Based on some of the things he's promoted he could use a good slap.


Robert Fanning said...

It is past time that Pres Obama should deliver the telling 'slap' by removing Mr Holder from office.

Goofy Dick said...

A swift kick in the butt wouldn't hurt either! Holder in no friend of the U.S. citizens.