HolyCoast: Why Vancouver?
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Saturday, February 13, 2010

Why Vancouver?

Don Surber wonders if Vancouver was chosen for a Winter Olympics site by those with a global warming ax to grind:
So we have slushy snow that was trucked in from the inlands to the 2010 Winter Olympics in Vancouver.

This proves Anthropogenic Global Warming.


Because any rise in the temperature is global warming and only man’s Sins Of Materialism cause global warming.


Being in Canada, Vancouver should be a block of ice by now.


Except all that is bunk. Vancouver is experiencing a trypical winter. Maybe milder than most.

Records show in February the average high is 47, low 33. That’s pretty much what the forecast is.

Snow? It averages 19 inches a winter. That’s not an ideal location for a winter Olympics.

They got over twice that much snow in the last 10 days in Washington D.C. Maybe they should bid for the Winter Games (but wait until Obama is gone - he's bad luck).

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