HolyCoast: Winning the War But Losing the Battle
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Wednesday, February 03, 2010

Winning the War But Losing the Battle

UPDATE: Now hearing from the Mission Viejo Dispatch that there are still 1,140 uncounted ballots that are primarily absentee votes that were dropped off at the polling locations. A final vote total is due at 5pm. Given the close race on the recall question there's still a chance the results could change.

That's pretty much what happened to "reform" candidate Dale Tyler in the Mission Viejo special election yesterday. Here's the description of what happened from The Orange Juice Blog:
Well, one out of two ain’t bad! Mission Viejo City Councilman Lance MacLean was dumped by the voters today, by 118 votes.

Recall organizer Dale Tyler failed however in his quest to replace MacLean. He lost to MacLean ally Dave Leckness by almost 1,000 votes.

Tyler was torpedoed this week when the MacLeanites revealed that he didn’t have a California Driver’s License and his cars were registered out of state.
Actually, Tyler torpedoed himself by not getting a CDL and by keeping his cars registered in Indiana. It looks like a ham-handed effort to avoid California license fees and taxes and that's not a good thing for "reform" candidate to have hanging out there.

Meanwhile, assuming there is no change in the recall numbers, my friend Dave Leckness will take MacLean's spot on the city council. The group that sponsored the recall will be hot-and-heavy after him since he knocked off their chosen candidate, and he will face election again in November for a full four-year term, but until then he'll have a chance to make his impact on the city.

All in all, I think we got the best possible outcome for Mission Viejo.

1 comment:

Goofy Dick said...

Sometimes it's almost humorous when you see someone want to jump into politics and they run on a clean things up plank, then all of a sudden the closet door opens and all sorts of skeltons fall out. In this case you have a person who feels they are above the law and they don't have to get a California Driver License or Register their vehicles in California, such a person deserves to lose the race.