HolyCoast: Bart Stupak Paying the Price for Fighting Against Abortion
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Thursday, March 18, 2010

Bart Stupak Paying the Price for Fighting Against Abortion

You'll rarely see praise for a Democrat around here, but Rep. Bart Stupak (D-MI) has been a rock on the issue of preventing abortion funding in the Obamacare bill. His language in the original House bill wasn't accepted by the Senate, and thus helped ensure the conflict between the bills that have led to the impasse we see today.

The pro-abortion people are fierce in their dedication to ending the lives of the unborn, and they've been making life tough for the Michigan Democrat:
Leading a revolt against President Barack Obama’s healthcare legislation over abortion has been a “living hell” for Rep. Bart Stupak (D-Mich.).

The telephone lines in his Washington and district offices have been “jammed” and he’s gotten more than 1,500 faxes and countless e-mails — most of which he says don’t come from his constituents.

The fight has taken a toll on his wife, who has disconnected the phone in their home to avoid harassment.

“All the phones are unplugged at our house — tired of the obscene calls and threats. She won’t watch TV,” Stupak said during an hourlong interview with The Hill in his Rayburn office. “People saying they’re going to spit on you and all this. That’s just not fun.”

Stupak has become a nationally known figure because of his demands for tough language in healthcare legislation to prevent any federal subsidies from being used for abortion services.

He voted for the House healthcare bill in November after leaders met his demands, but has vowed to lead a group of 12 Democrats in voting against the Senate healthcare bill.

Stupak deems language in the Senate bill too weak on restricting federal funds from being used for abortion services.

Stupak said he didn’t anticipate how big the abortion issue would become during the healthcare reform debate, nor did he figure to find himself a household name.

“I’m a little surprised,” Stupak said.

The worst part has been the pressure from groups and individuals from outside his district on Michigan’s Upper Peninsula.

“How’s it been? Like a living hell,” Stupak said.

Yesterday Nancy Pelosi called a meeting of all female Democrat House members. What do you think that was about? Abortion, I guarantee it. They're adamant about making abortion a fundamental right of nationalized health care and Stupak has been a real thorn in their side. The fact that Pelosi is willing to try and pass this thing without the anti-abortion votes tells you what her priorities are.

Before we confer sainthood on Stupak we do need to remember that he's still in favor of Obamacare as long as it doesn't fund abortion, and that's a problem. It's still bad policy and bad for the country, but I do appreciate his efforts in protecting the unborn.


Goofy Dick said...

I saw on the news this morning that Stupak had thrown his hat into the Obama Circus and that he will now vote Yes on ObamaCare.

Ann's New Friend said...

Well, let's not give up on Stupak, Goofy Dick. You know what to do better than anyone, Goofy Dick: PRAY.

This all began with abortion. It is not a "single issue." It is THE issue.

When Obama was a little nobody in the Senate of Illinois he opposed the Born Alive legislation. When you read Obama's actual comments during discussions in the Assembly, they are chilling. He referred to the embryo "some would call a 'child'," he says. What the heck else is it after it's BORN? And his fears, he stated, were that their legislation would "not survive" Constitutional challenge. (He was real concerned about the Constitution then, you know.)

He was worried the bill wouldn't survive. But the survival of the embryo-some-would-call-child -- who is sometimes born, accidentally, during an abortion procedure -- well, he was not so concerned about THAT.

This is the man behind our "health" care. If you have any doubts about rationing, it's not too late to read Ezekiel Emanuel's "Lancet" article: "Principles for the allocation of scarce medical resources."

They have already planned to scarcity. Indeed, they are creating it -- they are assuring that medical resources will be scarce.

When you read Dr. Emanuel's rubric for allocating the resources, be prepared for a shock. Hope you and I are talented enough to be worth saving in Obama's future world.

Are we still human beings?

Ann's New Friend said...

A link is here:


An Obama administration official's chilling view of life on planet earth.