HolyCoast: Bonus Political Quote of the Day
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Monday, March 22, 2010

Bonus Political Quote of the Day

From Rush Limbaugh:
"The focus has to be on defeating Democrats in November in these mid term election, we have the people, we have the intellectual arguments, we have the common sense arguments, we have history but they won yesterday, they won because they held Congress and the Presidency, therein lies the lesson, we have to defeat these bastards, we need to wipe them out, we need to chase them out of town”
Yep, the only way to get rid of the cancer is to cut it out.

I occasionally hear people say that they like their Dem House member because he's a "Blue Dog" and he's for some of the things they're for. And maybe he even voted against Obamacare.

Let me ask you one simple question: Did the Honorable Blue Dog vote for Nancy Pelosi for Speaker of the House?

If the answer is yes, flush him. No one who votes for Nancy Pelosi as Speaker deserves keeping their job in the House.


Goofy Dick said...

After seeing how some of my neighbors and distand friends (?) voted for Obama, I have come to one simple conclusion----These people are Dumb and Dumber.

Ann's New Friend said...

They may be Dumb and Dumber, but we now need to gently persuade the Dumb Family to reconsider their decision.

Goofy Dick, Jesus sent you to be a fisher of men. Start baiting the hook and throw that line in the pond.

Sam L. said...

"Birds of a feather flock together."

If they're dirty birds, you're a dirty bird if you're with them.

And they're really DIRTY birds.

Why should I ever vote for a Democrat? If they're not personally bad, they're enablers, and running with an untrustworthy gang.