HolyCoast: Bribing California Dems With Water
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Thursday, March 18, 2010

Bribing California Dems With Water

I've written before about the problems in Central California because water supplies have been dramatically cut in order to save a 3" fish. So, how does Obama get the votes of two Central California Dems? Offer them more water:
Is this Another Backroom Deal to Force Obama’s Bill Down the American People’s Throats?

As a vote approaches on Obama and Pelosi’s government takeover of healthcare, Code Red is now considering two supposedly “undecided” California Democrats, Dennis Cardoza and Jim Costa, to now be “yes” votes.

The U.S. Department of Interior announced yesterday that it is increasing water allocations for the Central Valley of California, a region that depends on these water allocations to support local agriculture and jobs. The region has recently been starved for water and as a result unemployment has soared. Not surprisingly, Cardoza and Costa had a hand in the announcement:

“Typically, Reclamation would release the March allocation update around March 22nd, but moved up the announcement at the urging of Senators Feinstein and Boxer, and Congressmen Costa and Cardoza.”(“Interior Announces Increased Water Supply Allocations in California,” U.S. Department of Interior news release, 3/16/10)
I hope the people in their districts enjoy being pawns in this Dem scheme. Apparently the fish are more important than jobs and farms in the Central Valley, but not important enough to risk messing up Obamacare.

1 comment:

Goofy Dick said...

If things get BAD enough in the Central Valley, maybe, just maybe the Voting residents in that area will boot out their members of Congress and vote some decent new blood in.