HolyCoast: Democrats Vote to Approve Demon Pass
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Thursday, March 18, 2010

Democrats Vote to Approve Demon Pass

The GOP succeeded in getting a vote on the issue of using the unconstitutional "deem and pass" procedure for Obamacare. Democrats voted to approve it:
All Republican lawmakers who voted opposed the measure, which had the effect of ending the GOP’s effort to force a vote. They were joined by 28 Democrats, who broke with party members on the vote.

222 Democrats supported the measure, though, meaning enough to proceed. Three members of both parties did not vote.

Republicans had hoped for the separate vote to get Democratic lawmakers on record on the Senate bill, which includes some provisions on abortion, excise taxes, and other issues that House lawmakers find distasteful.

As this stand[s], Democrats plan a vote on a rule on Sunday that would make changes to the Senate-passed bill while deeming the original legislation to have passed the House.

It's almost a sure thing now that this procedure will be used to pass the reconciliation bill and "deem" the Senate bill approved.

Time to go to war.


Ann's New Friend said...

Time to go to war indeed. As I said in post above, I think citizens should flood Congress with calls -- maybe the IRS too. Goal: to shut their phone systems down.

I told Mikulski's office there's a rumor that Bob Ehrlich may run against her for the Senate in Maryland. Massachusetts first, and Maryland second! I said. You can imagine how that went over.

If Ehrlich could win (Republican Ehrlich was formerly governor) I'll consider Maryland habitable. If not, and this bill passes, I told the family -- time to consider moving to a Red state. Virginia's just across the Potomac river.

It's our country we're talking about -- and it's being attacked from within by these digusting and corrupt liars. Citizens who care about American liberty are going to have to start asking themselves some hard questions like "where can I make a difference?" How to we rescue liberty for the next generation?

This country is being tested, but let's not any of us loose heart. God is still blessing America -- but we may have to find inside ourselves that courage of the Founders.

And if we look for courage, we will find it - won't we.

MRedd said...

How 'bout we do this: When we gain control of the House and Senate we can "deem" the bill repealed. Once Obama's gone, and he surely will be a 1-term president after being party to this vote theft, we can deem it repealed and start over.