HolyCoast: Demon Pass Returns to the Underworld
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Saturday, March 20, 2010

Demon Pass Returns to the Underworld

The Democrats chickened out on their plan to "deem and pass" the Senate Obamacare bill:
House Democratic leaders will have a straight up-or-down vote on President Barack Obama's health care overhaul.

Democratic lawmakers and an aide to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., say they've dropped plans for an indirect vote that would have relied on a legislative maneuver to give their OK to the Senate's version of health care legislation.

While both parties have used that kind of voting procedure on a range of issues in the past, it had drawn the wrath of Republicans and upset some Democrats. The House is expected to vote on the health bill Sunday.
Clearly the P.R. problem this was creating was going to go very badly for Democrats in November (what do you bet some polling was done that came back really, really ugly).

Now the House members will have to vote on the hideous Senate bill with all it's special deals like the Louisiana Purchase, the Cornhusker Kickback, etc., and the funding for abortion. A second measure will supposedly "fix" those problems, but that measure hasn't a chance of being enacted in the Senate. If they vote "yes" on the Senate bill that's what America will get.

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