HolyCoast: "Doc Fix" Throws Obamacare Into the Red
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Saturday, March 20, 2010

"Doc Fix" Throws Obamacare Into the Red

It's all smoke and mirrors:
Congressional budget scorekeepers say a Medicare fix that Democrats included in earlier versions of their health care bill would push it into the red.

The Congressional Budget Office said Friday that rolling back a programmed cut in Medicare fees to doctors would cost $208 billion over 10 years. If added back to the health care overhaul bill, it would wipe out all the deficit reduction, leaving the legislation $59 billion in the red.

The so-called doc fix was part of the original House bill. Because of its high cost, Democrats decided to pursue it separately. Republicans say the cost should not be ignored. Congress has usually waived the cuts to doctors year by year.

The CBO stated in their document that the only way the numbers come out the way the Dems are touting them is if EVERYTHING goes as forecast, and we know that's not going to happen. Many things the Dems assume in their bill will never happen and the program is sure to cost many times the amounts forecast.

Obamacare will be America's financial downfall.

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