HolyCoast: Global Warming Harming Polar Bears...in San Diego
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Thursday, March 25, 2010

Global Warming Harming Polar Bears...in San Diego

Yes, San Diego is not an ideal climate for polar bears. But there are a few struggling to survive, and Adam Housley visits the new polar bear exhibit at the San Diego Zoo:
At the San Diego Zoo polar bears are now on thin ice, at least that's the word from the zoo as a new million dollar expansion to its polar bear experience opens this week. The zoo has spent considerable time and money to make the exhibit interactive, but some critics complain with this interaction comes politics and they argue the zoo should stay out of a policy debate.

As you make your way through this exhibit there's a carbon calculator, a walk that shows a shrinking ice cap and multiple displays showing the problems associated with climate change. For the consumer the displays are catchy, interactive and colorful. People here at the San Diego Zoo say the whole experience helps visitors better understand the arctic and the loss of habitat for polar bears as climate change continues. They tell me their exhibit features "the best science out there."

As you might imagine not everyone is happy with this display and claim the zoo is jumping into politics and a very heated (no pun intended) debate. Some scientists and a few supporters of the zoo contend that climate change is not happening as sold to the public and even if it is, man is not causing it. Some also argue that polar bears adapted before and can do so again and to assume that man can kill them off by CO2 emissions is an unfair and untrue claim.

When presented with this argument the Zoo stands strong. They maintain the Polar Bear Experience is all about the best science out there and whether you believe in climate change or not, what's wrong with cleaning and preserving the environment anyway. Officials here have heard some of these complaint, but they tell me the overwhelming response has been nothing but positive.
We have plenty of polar bears.

I'm surprised the zoo doesn't put a fake chunk of ice in the water to show what's left of the melting sea ice. I would make for some good photos of the bear clinging to its last hope for life, and cursing mankind as it sinks beneath the water.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What's really cool is that when we have Cap&trade, operations with high carbon consumption like zoos will become extinct. I will be very happy when that happens.