HolyCoast: Guns and Kids
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Saturday, March 06, 2010

Guns and Kids

Two stories in the news today - a 6-year old with a pretend gun, and a 17-year old with a real gun. First the pretend gun:
A Michigan boy reportedly has been suspended from school for curling his hand into the shape of a gun and pointing it at another student.

Erin Jammer, said her son, Mason, was just playing around when he made the gesture Wednesday, the Grand Rapids Press reported.

"I do think it's harsh for a six-year-old. He's six and he just likes to play. Maybe what you could do is take his recess away. He's only six and he doesn't understand any of this," Erin Jammer said.

But officials at Jefferson Elementary School said the behavior made other students uncomfortable, and they suspended Mason for the remainder of the week, the paper reported.
Lord knows we can't have anyone feel uncomfortable these days.

If we're going to obsess about guns, let's at least make sure there's something to be concerned about:
A St. Petersburg teen was reportedly twirling a handgun on his finger when he accidentally shot his friend.

Police say the shooter and the victim, both 17, were hanging out at a St. Petersburg home Thursday afternoon when the shooting occurred.

The shooter was arrested on an unrelated charge of violating terms of his probation in connection with a drug-possession charge. He told police he found the .40-caliber handgun.

Police say the victim was in serious but not life-threatening condition.

Now I'm sure some gun control activist will tells us that behavior like the 6-year old was demonstrating will lead to behavior like the 17-year old demonstrated. Nonsense.

It's clear the 17-year old had never been taught to respect firearms and treat them properly. Whether or not he ran around as a little kid pointing his finger at other kids had nothing to do with it.


Goofy Dick said...

What in the world have educators come to by making such an absurd penalty for this childs gesture using only his hand to mimik a gun. All my life I've seen children point a finger like a gun.
Are these administrators as adept in seeing that their students are TAUGHT the 3 R's and other related school subjects, I would rather doubt it.

Linda said...

Common sense is dead in America! Our leaders, educators, police, are all lacking this basic tenet. I agree with Goofy Dick. Are the kids learning the 3 R's?