HolyCoast: Harry Reid's Losing It
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Friday, March 26, 2010

Harry Reid's Losing It

Pay attention voters of Nevada, your senior Senator is losing it:
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid mistakenly called out "no" Thursday when asked for his vote on the health care reconciliation bill, setting the chamber howling with laughter.

Reid voted the wrong way when the clerk called for his vote, realized his error and quickly changed his vote to "yes."

"He did it again," someone said amid laughter.

Reid, who spent months persuading fellow senators to vote "yes" on President Obama's top domestic priority, made the same mistake December 24 when voting on the original health care bill.

His office said Reid made the gaffe because he was so focused on getting health care passed.

He was so focused on passing it he voted "no"...twice? Maybe he was getting some sound bites for a campaign ad in which he'll claim he voted against Obaamcare.

1 comment:

Goofy Dick said...

Reids mind (what little is left of it) was unable to reason correctly, therefore he voted No, which would have been the correct vote. It's obvious, this was exactly the way "ObamaCare" was put together and voted into law. The members's on Reids side of the aisle really didn't know what they were voting on, if they did they would have thrown this whole can of worms down the drain.