HolyCoast: How Now, Dumb Cao?
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Friday, March 19, 2010

How Now, Dumb Cao?

The only Republican to vote for the House Obamacare bill was Rep. Anh Cao of Louisiana (who won election to "Cold Cash" Jefferson's old seat). He's been a pretty firm "no" on the Senate bill...until today:
Rep. Anh Cao (R., La.) tells National Review Online that he “hopes to reconsider” his vote on the health-care bill this weekend, should House Speaker Nancy Pelosi guarantee, “with certainty,” that she can fix its abortion language in a separate, later legislative measure.
I'm sorry, but anyone who thinks Nancy Pelosi could or would give that kind of guarantee isn't smart enough to be in the GOP caucus. He better come to his senses because if he votes for this thing he gives the Democrats the one thing they want almost as much as passage of the bill - a reason to use the word "bipartisan". If Cao stupidly votes for this bill, no matter the reason, every media report will describe this as a bipartisan vote which will play right into the Democrats desire to inoculate themselves from the voter's wrath.

Wake up, Cao.


Ann's New Friend said...

I called Cao's office, too. (Been on the phone a lot this week, feeling that I should call since for me all these 202 numbers are local calls.)

I owned up early that I'm from Maryland and not a constituent. But I said his vote affects me. And I talked to his staffer a bit, and I kept asking "is he a Republican?" Staffer said yes. "Are you sure he's a Republican?"

It was an interesting conversation.

Ann's New Friend said...

I've just read at Politico that Obama plans to visit the Hill at 3pm on Saturday: "White House and Hill sources say that President Obama is coming to the Capitol at 3 p.m. Saturday to address the House Democratic Caucus at the request of congressional Democrats, who preferred the meeting take place on their turf instead of in the White House. – Carol Lee and Glenn Thrush"


Long ago I happened to be on the Mall once when Secret Service were begining to clear the area in advance of a presidential visit to one of the buildings. If Obama visits Congress at 3pm, when will agents start setting up a perimeter?

You don't suppose they're trying to stop the noon rally? (I wouldn't put anything past this group.)