HolyCoast: Human Achievement Hour
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Friday, March 26, 2010

Human Achievement Hour

Tomorrow night the greenies will shut off their lights and bay at the moon for "Earth Hour", but many of us will choose to celebrate the good things that human innovation has brought us (from the Competitive Enterprise Institute):
Date: March 27, 2010
Time: 8:30pm-9:30pm local time
Location: Everywhere

Human Achievement Hour (HAH) is the annual holiday wherein people around the world celebrate the human innovations that improve the quality of our daily lives. We acknowledge the individuals responsible for the technologies, medicines, and creature comforts and the necessity of using earth’s resources and energy in order to advance human kind. During the same hour others will “celebrate” Earth Hour—the environmentalist hour of darkness in which people turn out the lights to show their disappointment in the way humanity utilizes earth’s resources and to cast their “vote” for global action against climate change. If Human Achievement Hour is at all a dig against Earth Hour, it is so only by the fact that our holiday points out the true meaning of earth hour: it isn’t pro-earth, it is anti-man and anti-progress.

You may recall that some intrepid bloggers got photos of Al Gore's home during Earth Hour last year. You could have seen it from Jupiter, so clearly the earth doesn't need that much saving.

And if you aren't that big a fan of human achievement, you can always celebrate Alpha-Proxima Day instead - the day you turn on enough lights to drown out Alpha and Proxima Centauri.

Either way works for me.

1 comment:

Linda said...

I'm not joining in...what a crock!