HolyCoast: I Deem This a Good Idea
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Wednesday, March 17, 2010

I Deem This a Good Idea

From Instapundit:
IF CONGRESS CAN “DEEM” THE HEALTH CARE BILL PASSED WITHOUT ACTUALLY VOTING, perhaps taxpayers should “deem” their taxes to be considered paid without actually sending a check this year.
Works for me.


Ann's New Friend said...

Hey, let's make it a two-fer: can we deem Obama already impeached?

Goofy Dick said...

WOW!!!! I think in commen language this means "we don't need to even have member's of Congress".
Think of all the money which could be saved. All we would need would be a few clerical people and any new bills would be deemed as passed. Is this complete lunacy or what?