HolyCoast: Is Obama Close to an Impeachable Offense?
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Friday, March 12, 2010

Is Obama Close to an Impeachable Offense?

Dan Riehl notes that the president took an oath (twice, actually) to "preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States". Dan thinks the president may be close to violating that oath and committing an impeachable offense:
Via The Foundry, one likely scenario for passing ObamaCare will result in his willfully breaking that oath by going along with an unconstitutional scheme. Even if they don't impeach him after 2010, it would seem any legislation passed this way would be ripe for Constitutional challenge. And even before that, a reasonable person could conclude the current government would be illegitimate if they go forward with this unconstitutional farce.

Just to restate a shocking development in the Obamacare debate; Congressional leaders have found a way to ignore the Constitutional requirement that a law be signed by the President before it is considered a law. Outrage is not a strong enough word for the feelings many American’s have toward elites in Washington, D.C. who will do anything to pass Obamacare.

This is a true outrage and we as a nation should not tolerate such strong arm tactic to pass legislation in an unconstitutional manner.
Interesting. Since Obama took office there have been people running around with "Impeach Obama" bumperstickers or signs, but up until now there wasn't a "high crime or misdemeanor" that could have earned a prosecution. That may be about to change.


Ann's New Friend said...

only his hair dresser knows for sure

luxuryoption said...

Who would bring the charges? Not this current senate or congress - they should be impeached also!!