HolyCoast: Is Stupak About to Fold?
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Friday, March 19, 2010

Is Stupak About to Fold?

Politico has this item:
BREAKING -- HOW HEALTH REFORM COULD PASS -- ABC’s George Stephanopoulos sees new wiggle room in the professed opposition by Rep. Bart Stupak of Michigan, leader of the pro-life Dems. Stupak told George on “GMA”: “My group is holding firm: We’re still ‘no’ votes. … As you know, I wanta pass health care -- I vote voted for it before. … My group of 12 here -- we can make the difference on this vote. But at the same time, there’s a principle we’re standing up for. … Protect the sanctity of life and keep current law -- no public funding for abortion. Let’s keep that principle intact. Then you could probably get our votes. Probably.”
The only way abortion funding can be prevented is to change the bill. The bill is not going to be changed. The Senate won't allow it, so any "deal" that Stupak thinks he might have will be meaningless. Surely he's smart enough to see that.

Isn't he?

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