HolyCoast: Karl Rove: I Made a Mistake on Iraq
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Wednesday, March 03, 2010

Karl Rove: I Made a Mistake on Iraq

Karl Rove's new book will have some surprising revelations:
Political strategist Karl Rove says President George W.
Bush made the right decision to launch the Iraq war in 2003, but the former White House adviser admits the failure to find weapons of mass destruction badly damaged the administration's credibility.

In his new memoir, "Courage and Consequence," Rove blames himself for not pushing back against claims that Bush had taken the country to war under false pretenses, calling it one of the worst mistakes he made during the Bush presidency.

Rove says Bush did not knowingly mislead the American public about the existence of such weapons.

It should be a good read. You can order your copy at the link above.

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