HolyCoast: Obama to Sign America's (and Democrat's) Death Warrant Today
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Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Obama to Sign America's (and Democrat's) Death Warrant Today

A sad day for our country's future:
President Barack Obama is ready to sign landmark health care legislation into law today, but the work is far from over.

He also plans to make trips around the country, starting with Iowa Thursday, to persuade skeptics that the medical system remake will make their lives better.

But first Obama will surround himself at the White House with aides, Cabinet members and Democratic leaders who helped pushed the bill through.

Republicans say they'll continue to fight it in whatever forum is appropriate, including the courts.
Top of the Ticket adds this:
Other than that and whatever else the White House publicity team can wring out of The Smoker's healthy victory lap, we're surely done with healthcare talk.

Democrat Nancy Pelosi is happy


There are, as you read this, at least thirty-seven (37) states considering lawsuits over this gazillion-dollar healthcare bill, mainly over its constitutionality in requiring citizens to buy health insurance. There will be efforts to repeal the measure.

But House Speaker Nancy "Where's My Airplane?" Pelosi is obviously (see photo) enjoying the media attention as possibly one of the most powerful women in the nation or maybe even the planet. Despite her pathetic poll numbers.

And as our wise and wily veteran political colleague Mark Z. Barabak wrote elsewhere on this site, the subject of the divisive and expensive government healthcare bill might come up -- who knows? -- in just about every single congressional campaign across the country leading up to November's midterm elections, when, historic patterns suggest, the White House party was already set to lose some seats on the Hill.

The anger among the regular folks in flyover country is palpable. Democrats will regret this day even more than the rest of us will.

And as Drudge points out this morning Obama had previously promised that taxpayers would be able to examine every bill that landed on his desk for five days before he would sign it. He's signing Obamacare after only 36 hours. He's probably afraid some judge will rule it invalid before he could sign.

1 comment:

Nightingale said...

Just look at that picture of Nancy Pelosi, braying like the jack ass she is.

Laugh it up Nancy. But the American people will have the last laugh.