HolyCoast: Obama Will Go Nuclear on Health Care
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Tuesday, March 02, 2010

Obama Will Go Nuclear on Health Care

From ABC News:
White House officials tell ABC News that in his remarks tomorrow President Obama will indicate a willingness to work with Republicans on some issue to get a health care reform bill passed but will say that if it is necessary, Democrats will use the controversial reconciliation rules requiring only 51 Senate votes to pass the "fix" to the Senate bill.
In the words of Bugs Bunny:
"You know, of course, this means war."
Here's my advice to Mitch McConnell: Shut down the Senate. File holds on every Obama nominee, refuse all requests for unanimous consent, make them read every bill every time. Use every Senate rule at your disposal to make Harry Reid's life a living hell.

And then tie Obamacare around the necks of every Democrat running in November, whether they voted for it or not.

1 comment:

Sam L. said...

As Bugs also said, "What a Maroon".