HolyCoast: Obamacare Will Mean 16,000 More IRS Agents
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Thursday, March 18, 2010

Obamacare Will Mean 16,000 More IRS Agents

Big Brother will be watching you:
Today, Ways and Means Republicans released a new report detailing how the Democrats’ health care bill vastly expands the responsibilities of the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) and strengthens the heavy hand of the IRS in dealing with taxpayers.

“If the Democrats’ health care bill becomes law, the IRS could have to hire more than 16,000 additional agents, auditors and other workers just to enforce all the new taxes and penalties,” said Ways and Means Ranking Member Dave Camp (R-MI). “It is a dangerous expansion of the IRS’s power and reach into the lives of virtually every American.”

The mandates under Obamacare will be enforced by the IRS. Sounds like a wonderful new world we'll be living in...just like East Germany before 1990.


Ann's New Friend said...

That cuts both ways. If they do pass this bill, it may be illegal. Even if -- say, they went back to the Senate bill and just voted for it -- that would be legal, but against the will of a majority of Americans. There will be, of course, court challenges by individuals and also by states (like Virginia).

But Americans can take action of their own. Even BEFORE a tax revolt, Americans could shut this "new" government down. As has been reported, the phones at Congress have been jammed this week with calls from angry voters.

I've been making calls this week, and during one call I asked the Congressional staffer, how many calls have you received "for" and how many were "against." His quick reply: "I'm not going to tell you that." But of course his answer DOES tell me, doesn't it! Like, his Member of Congress is being flooded with love and well-wishes and he won't tell me?!

I said, "Well, I hope you like answering the phone -- I hope you like being flooded with calls -- because if this bill passes -- this week will be your new normal."

And he laughed! Point made.

But seriously, WE THE PEOPLE, can show them who's in charge -- if we are willing to be bold enough to take charge -- to be citizens. We can shut the Obama/Reid/Pelosi dictatorship down.

Imagine the same kinds of phone calls aimed at Congress week after week -- or aimed at the IRS. Relentlessly.

This government does not belong to them. It belongs to us. That's also what I said to several staffers. This is America. Stop this monstrosity and start over -- genuine medical reforms -- in broad daylight -- incremental, targeted changes that affect actual patient issues instead of this naked Socialist power grab.

Larry Sheldon said...

All those agents will be required to chase down all the other $0.04 deadbeats.

1 can handle the goobermint employees that owe as much as $6,000,000,000.