HolyCoast: One Small Story of the Effect of Obamacare
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Friday, March 26, 2010

One Small Story of the Effect of Obamacare

Like pizza? Want to pay a lot more for it?
At Paesan's Pizza in Latham, owner Frank Scavio says his company was planning to expand to two new locations, but those plans may be put on hold. He says, " If we open up and go above the 50 person employee then yea, it will affect us and that's when we say OK when do we stop or do we continue to grow?" If they do opt to expand, Scavio says the customer may be the one to pay. "The price of a slice of pizza is gonna go up drastically."
Those same questions are being asked by small business owners all over the country, and those folks provide an awful lot of jobs. Obamacare could bring small business expansion to a halt.

Let's not forget that the owner's decision not to expand affects more than just him. There are potential employees who won't be hired, lease or mortgage payments that won't be made on the new locations, suppliers and vendors who won't be selling to those locations....lots of impact to the community.

1 comment:

Sharon said...

Obama and his team do not have the ability to figure these sorts of things out. If business owners are smart, they will stop all plans to invest in other locations and hire additional employees. No small business can afford to pay the exhorbant amounts of money that will be required under Obama's plans.