HolyCoast: Operation Flood DC
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Thursday, March 18, 2010

Operation Flood DC

Business will be brisk on the Mall in Washington DC this Saturday:
OPERATION: floodDC is now IN PROGRESS! Spread the word on every site, blog, facebook page, twitter message - FAST! FAST! FAST! Time is running out on LIBERTY! Email a link to this page to everyone you know, especially to local talk radio!

Combining the suggestions of Congresswoman Michelle Bachman, Congressman Steve King, and Rush Limbaugh...

THERE ARE 3 Ways to (peacefully) PARTICIPATE:

1. Go to DC. Flood the Zone. Surround the Capital with your presence! Go - Go - Go! We need to have 100,000 plus! Walk, bike, car-pool, bus, fly, whatever... JUST GO!

2. Go to your local Democrat office en masse and protest Government takeover of healthcare Friday afternoon and Saturday morning. Be seen and heard (loud but peaceful)! But make sure you're there at 12 noon EST and make some noise!

3. Mail an overnight letter that says "VOTE NO" to Democrat Congressmen with guaranteed Saturday delivery to clog the city with delivery trucks!

We still live in a democracy. Use your freedom of speech and freedom to assemble to peaceful protest the greatest threat to liberty in modern history.

And, there's Dan Riehl's approach:
Any Dem Reps voting Yes with heart issues we might want to chase down vigorously before Sunday?
Heart, blood pressure, flat feet...anything - chase them all down.


Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

I do not want this health care bill, or the socialistic legislation that already in place, for that matter. This bill will cost more, produce less, and most importantly, play for infanticide! Please, LISTEN to the American majority. DO NOT PASS THIS BILL!!!!!!!!!!! Votes this fall will depend on your decision. Vote for the bill and the vote is "No" at the polls. In other words, "Yes" = "No!!!!!!!!!!"