HolyCoast: The Reconciliation "Fixes" Will Never Happen
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Friday, March 19, 2010

The Reconciliation "Fixes" Will Never Happen

Memo to House Democrats: Those "fixes" to the Senate Obamacare Bill that you're currently negotiating through bribes, kickbacks and arm twisting will NEVER HAPPEN. Here's what WILL happen if the reconciliation bill containing the Demon Pass is approved.

Nancy Pelosi will strip the Senate bill from the reconciliation package which "deemed" it passed and will send it to Obama for his signature (remember, it's already passed the Senate - no further action is needed). Obama will sign it within minutes of passage and we'll be stuck with nationalized health care. None of the "fixes" will become law.

Those "fixes" will have to go back to the Senate where the GOP has already promised to destroy as many of them as possible, as well as publicizing every special deal that was granted along the way. And it won't just be the GOP getting in the way, Senate Dems will also do their best to block provisions they don't like. Let's not forget - this is the Senate bill we're talking about. The Senate was happy with it and won't be happy with any changes.

In fact, it wouldn't surprise me if once the Senate bill is signed all action in the Senate on health care will be halted. Harry Reid will assure us that the Senate has more important business to take care of, such as illegal alien amnesty and cap-and-tax.

But, for the sake of argument let's just assume some of the "fixes" actually make it out of both the House and Senate and go to Obama for signature.

He won't sign it. Why should he? He likes the Senate bill because it's much closer to his vision of single payer socialized medicine than the House bill was. He'll veto the "fixes" and there won't be enough votes in either house of Congress to override the veto.

Bottom line - if the Demon Pass unconstitutional maneuver is approved by House Democrats America will be stuck with the hideous Senate bill, and hopefully we'll see a voter revolt in this country unmatched by anything this country has experienced since 1860.

And the Democrat Party will die. Many of them politically come November, and some of them possibly physically because the outrage from citizens will be so intense and it will not be safe to be a Democrat politician surrounded by voters they so blatantly betrayed. Spiritually, they've been dead for years.

We will enter a very ugly time in America should this bill pass.

1 comment:

Goofy Dick said...

I think the people spouting all this reconciliation stuff are most likely a bunch of liars. From what I have seen of them, from the top down, lying is their way of life, yet there are a few who actually believe they are going to get what they were told. I guess they are what you would call not to smart.