HolyCoast: Rick Perry Wins in Texas
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Tuesday, March 02, 2010

Rick Perry Wins in Texas

There won't be an April runoff in the Texas governor's race. Rick Perry will get the necessary 50% + 1 to win the nomination:
Gov. Rick Perry cruised to a victory tonight in a three-way Republican primary fight, crushing Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison and setting the stage for a run for a third full term this fall.

Hutchison conceded the race just before 9:30 pm local time with Perry holding a steady 20-plus point lead and just over the 50 percent barrier he needed to avoid a runoff. Debra Medina, an underfunded candidate backed by some within the Tea Party movement, finished a distant third.
Perry will face former Houston mayor Bill White. I'm calling the race right now for Perry.

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