HolyCoast: Should the GOP Be Buying "No" Votes
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Monday, March 15, 2010

Should the GOP Be Buying "No" Votes

I don't think I agree with Morgan Warstler's idea at Big Government but I'll pass it along:
Starting today, the RNC should offer Free Passes to targeted Congressional Democrats who will agree to vote NO on health care.

The Free Pass should include:

  • A guarantee no national money will be used against the Democrat in the general election.
  • A guarantee if the Democrat wants to jump parties (far less likely), he/she will receive the RNC’s endorsement in the primary & national money in the general.

Yes, Pelosi still faces hurdles. Yes, a government take-over of health care would inflame America’s likely voters and lead to greater Republican gains in November. Yes, we can attempt to repeal it. Yes, we can cheer SCOTUS to rule it unconstitutional.

But, none of these things is worth the current Republican passivity. We have no time for party purity here. Our own focus must be jobs, jobs, jobs. And we cannot get bogged down with “repeal it,” even if we gain power.

Right now, Republicans should be locking down NO votes with as much carrot as we have stick. We’ve put the fear of god into them, for the ones still fence sitting, it is time to offer salvation.

I don't want to attract people into party switches unless they fundamentally agree with GOP principles. We don't need a new class of RINOs in Congress. And promising not to spend money to oppose a Democrat is self-defeating. We might win this battle, but could lose the war since we'd in effect be working to keep Democrats in office who will support other Democrat priorities and either maintain Nancy Pelosi's majority or give her a stronger minority should the GOP run enough of them off to take over the House again.

I think the best approach is to let them know we will oppose them with everything we've got until they're gone or they give up their liberal ways.

1 comment:

Ann's New Friend said...

Amen. It's time to elect people who are real. Period. (Not perfect, just real.)