HolyCoast: State Legislators Facing Heat This Fall Too
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Friday, March 05, 2010

State Legislators Facing Heat This Fall Too

It won't just be Dem congressmen looking for jobs this fall. According to Politico there's a building storm at the state legislature level as well. Here's just one example:
In California, state lawmakers are so unpopular that even members of Congress — which is itself registering abysmal approval ratings these days — register more favorable marks.

A December 2009 Public Policy Institute of California (PPIC) survey found that while 51 percent of adults approved of their individual member of Congress, that number dropped to just 30 percent when voters were asked about their state legislator.

When it comes to the California legislature as a whole, 71 percent said they disapproved.
California has been so mismanaged that everyone in the Dem majority, and many of those in the minority, deserve to be voted out.

Unfortunately, our assembly and senate districts are so gerrymandered that it's nearly impossible for a seat to change parties. Consequently, we keep electing the same big-spending incompetents until term limits finally drive them out, and even then they usually end up running for and winning another government job. It may take the complete financial collapse of the state to change the system.

And there's something else important about this year's state elections - the census. It will be up to the state legislatures to do the redistricting that follows the census and the more Republicans we have in those bodies the better the redistricting will turn out.

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