HolyCoast: Stupak's Raiders
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Thursday, March 04, 2010

Stupak's Raiders

Rep. Bart Stupak, whose amendment to the House Obamacare bill struck abortion funding from that bill, is putting together a coalition of like-minded Democrats who voted for the House version but will not vote to pass the Senate bill which did not contain that language:
Blue Dog Democratic Rep. Bart Stupak says he's counted 11 lawmakers plus himself willing to kill President Obama's health care overhaul over abortion language.

Stupak, of Michigan, sponsored a provision in the House of Representative's health care bill that passed last fall that clearly prohibits the use of federal money to pay for abortions. That language did not make it into the Senate bill, the model Obama is using to craft the plan he is expected to send to Congress shortly.

Obama has urged the Senate to use the "reconciliation" procedure to pass the bill, which would allow Democrats to avoid a 60-vote majority needed to strike down a filibuster but would demand that lawmakers vote only on matters that impact the budget. Before that happens, however, House Democrats can prevent the legislation from reaching the Senate.

House legislation passed by a narrow 220-215 margin in November. Since then several Democrats have defected or departed, and all 254 who remain are eyeing November midterm elections and a restive electorate demanding Congress focus on jobs.

The House is being told to pass the Senate bill as is with the promise from Harry Reid that he'll fix their objections through the reconciliation process. Any promises from Harry Reid are worth about as much as a casino coupon for a free watered-down drink. Any House member that falls for that deserves the beating he or she will take in November.

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