HolyCoast: Tea is Stronger Than Coffee
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Monday, March 15, 2010

Tea is Stronger Than Coffee

Michael Barone has information on the suddenly popular (with the press) Coffee Party and a comparison of two rallies:
While traveling by air across the country last week, I had occasion to work in an airport lounge which had CNN on the television. During a little more than an hour, the announcer screened videos of two pro-Democratic ads and ran a story on the so-called coffee party movement, formed by a few liberals sympathetic to Democratic policies. It would be interesting to know how much coverage CNN has given to the tea party movement, which has brought something on the order of 1 million people into its gatherings over the past year; more than the coffee party group, I suspect, but perhaps not all that much more. And how is the coffee party movement. Gateway Pundit has answer. On Wednesday, the day of Barack Obama’s appearance in St. Louis, 2,225 showed up for a tea party rally in St. Charles County and 2,300 participated in a protest outside a Democratic fundraiser in downtown St. Louis. In contrast, 30 people attended a coffee party gathering in St. Louis on Saturday.

The numbers tell you something. Something that the CNN producers might want to take note of.
The Coffee Party is a classic astroturf political organization, created by some professional activists just for the purpose of gathering media attention. It will be short-lived.

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