HolyCoast: U.S. Relief Forces Can't Show the Flag in Haiti
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Tuesday, March 16, 2010

U.S. Relief Forces Can't Show the Flag in Haiti

More and more I'm convinced Obama is still ashamed of his country:
It’s bad enough that Secretary of State Hillary Clinton is giving short shrift to American manufacturers and our economy by ordering extravagant new crystal stemware from Sweden to make the crystal cabinets in America’s embassies sparkle impressively, but now we learn that Barack Obama has told the U.S. relief forces in Haiti not to fly the U.S. flag over its own military compounds. He says that it will “send the wrong message.”

Never mind that all the other nations have their flags proudly flying above their military relief installations in Haiti. Even Croatia has its coat of arms flying outside its base. Yet not the U.S. Army. No U.S. flag flies anywhere despite the fact that we are far and away the largest force and have supplied the most relief supplies and money to the earthquake recovery effort.

The message that flag would send in Haiti is "America has seen your need and responded with our blood and treasure to help." Any other message could only be one misconstrued by some idiot liberal.

1 comment:

Goofy Dick said...

The Commander In Chief is a complete Nutcase. He should be thrown out of office, he doesn't uphold our Constitution and certainly doesn't present a positive image of the U.S.A.